Council Meeting - Public Hearing

Meeting date: 
Monday, September 9, 2013

Special Public Hearing Meeting Minutes

President Birkner called the meeting to order at 6:45 PM with the following Councilors present: Mr. John Butterfield, Mrs. Susan Naugle, Mrs. Claire Lewis, Ms. Rebecca Brown, Mr. Graham Weaver, Mr. Kyle Leinbach and Mr. Charles Teague. Vice President Jacob Schindel was absent. Staff present included Mayor William Troxell, Borough Manager Peter Marshall, Planning Director Scott Dellett and Borough Secretary Sara Stull.

Others present included Anne Thomas, Adams County Planning Department, Grants Coordinator and Steve Hemler 1196 Chambersburg Road.

Representing the press included Jim Hale of the Gettysburg Times, Lily Reed and Vanessa Pellechio of the Evening Sun.

Scott Dellett gave a brief summary of the 2013 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) allocation. He said the state Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) reported the Borough would receive $108,204.00, a $1,161.00 increase from the 2012 allocation. The recommended allocation of the 2013 CDBG funds is as follows:

$105,000.00 - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for sidewalk and intersection compliance:

$3,204.00 - Administration to manage the Borough's CDBG program:

Mr. Dellett said Council would need to adopt a resolution authorizing the submission of an application to DCED for CDBG funds. The submission deadline is September 20, 2013.

Mr. Dellett reported that Anne Thomas provides the Borough with CDBG services.

There was no public comment.

Mr. Graham asked what areas of town the $105,000 for ADA work would be. Mr. Dellett said there are no locations set at this time but that the Borough would follow the criteria from the HR Gray report. He also said the street and alley paving program and those ramps would be coordinated to do at the same time.

Ms. Thomas said that the upcoming designations will assist the Adams County Arts Council with sidewalk and that she would coordinate with the Borough to use ramp money to complete the project.

Moved Ms. Brown, seconded Mrs. Lewis to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sara L. Stull, Borough Secretary