Council Meeting - Public Hearing

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 10, 2013

Public Hearing Minutes

President Michael Birkner called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM with the following Councilors present: Mr. Jacob Schindel, Mr. John Butterfield, Mrs. Susan Naugle, Mr. Graham Weaver, Ms. Rebecca Brown and Mr. Charles Teague. Mrs. Claire Lewis and Mr. Kyle Leinbach were absent. Staff present included Mayor William Troxell, Manager Florence Ford, Borough Secretary Sara Stull, Solicitor Harold Eastman, Planning Director Scott Dellett, Public Works director Dan Hilliard and Chad Clabaugh Engineer, C. S. Davidson.

Others present included: Stephanie McIlwee and Michael Riley representing Elm Street/OGP; Darlene Brown and Ed Jenkins representing PICPI/ACHA; Ted Streeter, 111 East Middle Street; Walton Davis 301 Ridge Avenue; Wayne Mayers, 55 South Street; Stephen Hemler, 1196 Chambersburg Road; Stan Clark, 915 Fairview Avenue; Becki Redwine, 267 Baltimore Street; and Kathy Jacob, 267 Baltimore Street. 

Representing the press was Jim Hale of the Gettysburg Times and Lillian Reed with the Evening Sun.

President Birkner opened the meeting and announced the purpose of the public hearing is to hear comments regarding the Gettysburg Elm Street South Street Streetscape Project.

Scott Dellett gave a brief review regarding the grant application for Pennsylvania Interfaith Community Programs, Inc. (PICPI). They are seeking DCED funding for Façade & Public Improvement Projects for South Street.

Michael Riley presented Council with a handout explaining the request for funding by way of the Borough of Gettysburg for Façade Improvement funding ($40,000) and Public Improvement funding ($500,000) to continue making improvements in the Gettysburg Elm Street neighborhood known as Old Getty Place. 

See attached handout for detailed information.

Chad Clabaugh said that C S Davidson has been working with PICPI to establish costs estimates for street improvements. Some of these issues and improvements will include making the street ADA compliant, and storm water management. See attached handout for detailed information.

Public Comment:

Wayne Mayers asked the purpose of this project. Stephanie McIlwee explained it is a revitalization project to improve South Street. It is a heavily used street with many children in the area and this would benefit the residents. Darlene Brown noted they plan to improve Breckenridge Street next when funding becomes available.

Wayne Mayers said this will change the characteristics of the street. He agreed it is heavily used but is concerned that traffic will increase by others traveling south. Mr. Mayers stated that he is also concerned with parking on South Street that residents don't have a garage or parking in the rear and by taking away parking will cause a hardship. He noted residents use their front door and the elderly are unloaded at the front of their homes. He doesn't feel this will be helping the residents but making it a bypass through town.

Darlene Brown said there is no desire to remove all the parking and wish to serve the residents of South Street. She pointed out that tonight's meeting is for approval to apply for the grant and that these issues can be discussed at a future meeting.

Wayne Mayers and Walton Davis asked that they be notified in writing of the next meeting regarding South Street to discuss this matter further.

Moved Mr. Teague, seconded Mrs. Brown to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sara L. Stull, Borough Secretary