Council Meeting - Public Hearing

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Public Hearing and Special Meeting

Borough Council and Cumberland Township

President Michael Birkner called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM with the following Councilors present: Mrs. Susan Naugle, Mrs. Claire Lewis, Mr. Graham Weaver, Mr. Jacob Schindel, Ms. Rebecca Brown, and Mr. Charles Teague. Mr. John Butterfield and Mr. Kyle Leinbach were absent. Staff present included Mayor William Troxell, Solicitor Harold Eastman, Manager Florence Ford and Borough Secretary Sara Stull.

Others present included: Monica Hoffman, RESOB, Harrisburg; Jay Schriebman, DCNR, Harrisburg; Michael Williams, 284 Victor Street; Robert Brodhead, 2581 Old Harrisburg Road; Tom Jolin, 596 Orchard Road, Orrtanna; Norris Flowers, CVB, 571 West Middle Street; Stan Clark, 915 Fairview Avenue; Steve Hemler 1196 Chambersburg Road, Gettysburg; Patrick Naugle, 650 Red Patch Avenue; Gareth "Lefty" and Shirley Biser,1075 Old Harrisburg Road; Mary Miner, 322 Gettys Street; Steve Niebler, 110 Windbriar Lane; Mike Cooper-White, 61 Seminary Ridge; Carlos Wampler, 1130 Old Rt 30, Orrtanna; Jill Herr, 130 Friendship Lane; Susan Weigle, 19 Baltimore Street; Colleen Umbenhouer, 70 Pin Oak Lane; Roger Heyser, 1560 Old Harrisburg Road; Larry Redding, 900 Biglerville Road; Ellen Dayhoff,; Michael Riley, 40 East High Street; Jim Paddock, 1777 Fairfield Road and Jen Pekson.

Representing the press were Jim Hale of the Gettysburg Times and Amy Stansbury representing the Evening Sun.

President Michael Birkner called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Mayor Troxell gave a historical perspective of the recreation park. His remarks are attached to the minutes.

Mrs. Susan Naugle gave a report of the creation of the Gettysburg Area Recreation Authority. Her remarks are attached to the minutes.

Public Comment:

Stan Clark said he is in support of the Recreation Authority.

Steve Niebler, Director of Office for Aging said he is in support of the Recreation Authority and looks forward to partnering with them for the elderly of the community. He said he also serves on the Healthy Adams Bike Trails.

Lefty Biser said he supports and is very excited about the Recreation Authority.

Steve Hemler said he applauds Steve Toddes and Susan Naugle for all their hard and dedicated work for joint recreation. He is in support of the Recreation Authority.

Moved Mrs. Naugle, seconded Mr. Weaver to enact an ordinance signifying the intention and desire of the Borough of Gettysburg to organize a joint municipal authority with Cumberland Township under the Municipality Authorities Act to be know as the Gettysburg Area Recreation Authority and to appoint the first members of the Board of such Authority. Motion carried unanimously.

With no further business to come before council moved Ms. Naugle, seconded Mr. Schindel to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sara L. Stull, Borough Secretary