Borough Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Borough Council Meeting Minutes

October 12, 2010

President John Butterfield called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM with the following Councilors present: Ms. Holliday Giles, Mrs. Susan Naugle, Mr. Robert Krummerich, Ms. Alice Estrada, Mrs. Claire Lewis, Mr. Graham Weaver and Mayor William Troxell. Mr. Theodore Streeter and Mr. Michael Birkner were absent. Staff present included Manager Florence Ford, Borough Secretary Sara Stull, Solicitor Harold Eastman, Chief Joseph Dougherty, Finance Director Ramona Overton, Public Works Director Dan Hilliard and Planner Merry Bush.

Others present included: Bob Kirby, Superintendant, National Park Service; Katie Lawhon, NPS; Rich Farr, Director, Rabbittransit Authority; Deb Adamik, President, Main Street Gettysburg; Laura Moore, Wellspan/Gettysburg Hospital; Darlene Brown, PICPI-ACHA; Leonard Loski, Gettysburg Area Retail Merchants Association (GARMA); Chet Machamer, Boy Scout Troop 73 and Kathy Gilbert, 39 South Street;

Representing the press were Scot Pitzer of the Gettysburg Times and Tim Prudente representing the Evening Sun.

President Butterfield announced the Borough Council conducted an executive session immediately prior to the adjournment of the Borough Council meeting held on September 27, 2010 consistent with Section 708(a)(4) of the Sunshine Act.

President Butterfield announced the Borough Council will conduct an executive session immediately following the adjournment of this meeting consistent with Section 708(a)(4) of the Sunshine Act for the purpose of consulting with its solicitor in connection with pending litigation and with matters on which identifiable complaints are expected to be filed.

With no changes to the agenda, it was accepted as published.

With no changes to the October 12th minutes, they were accepted as written.

Citizens in attendance:

Bob Kirby, Superintendant, NPS and Rich Farr, Director, Rabbittransit Authority gave a presentation regarding the Freedom Transit Shuttle service. Mr. Farr reported the system averages 3.5 riders an hour, and they have seen a rise after marketing and promotions were implemented. He is confident that they will meet its ridership goal of seven riders an hour. Mr. Farr pointed out the stops aren't as friendly as they should be and they aren't as identifiable as they'd like them to be. They proposed installing benches at selected stops downtown to help boost ridership.

Mr. Weaver expressed his concerns about the number of riders noting sometimes there isn't anyone on the buses. Ms. Estrada asked where the riders are getting on and their destinations. Mr. Farr responded its split between the elderly citizens and others riding the buses.

Mrs. Naugle agreed the stops don't stand out and benches would be nice to add. She asked how many they plan to install. Mr. Farr answered 4 to begin with. Mrs. Lewis asked the cost of the benches. Mr. Kriby responded the cost is approximately $800 per bench. Mrs. Naugle asked if they considered signs with the bus schedule listed. Mr. Farr responded they are currently looking for a particular type but have not been successful.

Mr. Butterfield encouraged Mr. Kirby and Mr. Farr to proceed forward to formalize an agreement to present to Council for approval.

Moved Mr. Krummerich, seconded Mr. Weaver to pay all bills and payrolls for the month as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Moved Ms. Estrada, seconded Mrs. Lewis to approve authorizing metered parking without charge from November 25, 2010 through January 1, 2011 during the hours of 12:00 noon through 8:00 p.m. each day on the first blocks of Baltimore Street, York Street, Carlisle Street, Chambersburg Street and on all of Lincoln Square and all of Steinwehr Avenue. Motion carried unanimously.

Moved Mr. Krummerich, seconded Ms. Giles to authorize the Borough of Gettysburg to enter into an Agreement with Gettysburg Hospital/Wellspan Health for the use and improvement of certain parking lots contained in the Gettysburg Borough Recreation Park property during the construction in connection with the land development project of Gettysburg Hospital for the expansion of its facilities at 147 Getty Street in the Borough of Gettysburg, conditioned upon the approval by Borough Manager, Solicitor and Council to ratify. Motion carried unanimously.

Mrs. Naugle asked if PennDOT plans to begin the Middle Street project in the spring. Mr. Hilliard responded GMA must install its new water lines first before Penn DOT can begin but they hope to begin as planned.

Mrs. Naugle presented handouts of the Gettysburg Inner Loop Study for review. She noted PennDOT officials would be in town on October 26th to look at certain crossings.

Mr. Butterfield asked what is expected regarding the Gettysburg Municipal Authority letter to terminate its agreement with the Borough. Manager Ford asked Council to send her what they wish to see added or changed with the agreement. She pointed out the letter received from GMA is putting Council on notice of their wishes to terminate and noted either party has 90 days to notify if wanting to terminate.

At this time recess was called so that Council could begin its executive session.

With no further business to come before council moved Ms. Estrada, seconded Mrs. Lewis to adjourn the meeting at 8:28 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Sara L. Stull
Borough Secretary