Borough Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, September 13, 2010

Borough Council Meeting Minutes

September 13, 2010

President John Butterfield called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM with the following Councilors present: Ms. Holliday Giles, Mr. Theodore Streeter, Mrs. Susan Naugle, Mr. Michael Birkner, Mr. Robert Krummerich, Ms. Alice Estrada, Mrs. Claire Lewis, Mr. Graham Weaver and Mayor William Troxell. Staff present included Manager Florence Ford, Borough Secretary Sara Stull, Solicitor Harold Eastman, Chief Joseph Dougherty, Finance Director Ramona Overton, Public Works Director Dan Hilliard and Planner Merry Bush.

Others present included: Chad Clabaugh, C.S. Davidson Inc.; Todd Mickley, President, Steinwehr Avenue BID; Gene Golden, Gettysburg Signs, 35 York Street; Darlene Brown, PICPI-ACHA, Judie Butterfield, 999 Sunset Avenue; and Stefani Pililis, 100 Baltimore Street, Apt 5.

Representing the press were Scot Pitzer of the Gettysburg Times, Darryl Wheeler, Photographer, Gettysburg Times, and Tim Prudente representing the Evening Sun

President Butterfield appointed Bob Krummerich as liaison between Council and staff during the budget process. He noted this doesn't preclude any members from asking questions of staff.

At this time Mayor Troxell gave the Oath of Office to newly hired Borough Manager, Florence Ford.

Mayor Troxell announced Trick-or-Treat would be held on Halloween, Sunday, October 31st from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.

Mayor Troxell announced the Pa State Association meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 20th at the Pike Restaurant. Anyone interested in attending should contact Sara.

With no changes to the agenda, it was accepted as presented.

The August 23, 2010 minutes were approved as presented.

Citizens in attendance:

Gene Golden addressed Council with his concern regarding the PGCB hearings for the proposed development of a Casino in Cumberland Township. He said he was surprised to see Borough Councilman Graham Weaver speak at the hearings in opposition of the proposed Casino. Although Mr. Weaver claimed he was not there to represent the Borough in an official manner he did say that he was speaking on behalf of three other Council members - Claire Lewis, Susan Naugle and Michael Birkner. Mr. Golden felt this was odd that a minority of the Council should take it upon themselves to circumvent the wishes of the majority of the Borough Council. He pointed out they were meddling in the business of a neighboring Township, something that is usually avoided.

Gene Golden also addressed Council on the issue of the U. S. Christian Commission, concerning the chapel on Chambersburg Street. The new structure is in violation of several ordinances and safety issues that Borough Council should review before making any final decisions.

Stefani Pililis, 100 Baltimore Street, Apt. 5, attended to address Council again regarding her parking issue and to see why nothing has been done yet. She stated she needs parking from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM and not at night since it is free in the Borough lot behind her building. Ms. Pililis said the parking garage is 2 blocks away and would not be convenient for her to use.

Ms. Estrada noted Council has been discussing this issue at their workshop meetings but thought it was night time parking that she was requesting. Mrs. Naugle said she is looking at other options and would meet with Ms. Pililis to discuss. Mr. Butterfield suggested Ms. Pililis work with Mrs. Naugle to see what options might be available. He pointed out this may take time because an ordinance change may be required.

Mr. Krummerich asked what funds were awarded for the 2010 snow disaster that was applied for through PEMA. Ms. Overton responded approximately $18,000.

Moved Mr. Krummerich, seconded Mr. Streeter to pay all bills and payroll for the month as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Moved Mr. Streeter, seconded Mrs. Lewis to authorize the Borough of Gettysburg to execute and deliver a Stormwater Management Practices, Facilities, and Systems Maintenance and Monitoring Agreement with Gettysburg Hospital in connection with the expansion of Gettysburg Hospital facilities land development project at 147 Gettys Street in the Borough of Gettysburg. Motion carried unanimously.

Moved Mr. Birkner, seconded Mr. Streeter to enact an ordinance amending Chapter 15, Part 10, Section 1003 of the Code of Ordinances of the Borough of Gettysburg for the purpose of removing an area on the south side of East Broadway Street from the Residential Parking Permit System for the purpose of designating within that area three (3) reserved parking spaces for persons with disabilities. Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Birkner asked why the lines were painted so far out into the roadway on East Broadway. Mr. Hilliard responded he needed to have extra space so that it would be accessible for people in wheelchairs to get on and off vans & buses.

Todd Mickley, President, Steinwehr Avenue BID, gave a brief update on the Steinwehr Avenue project and requests Council submit the PCTI application for Phase II of the project.

Ms. Estrada asked if there is an agreement letter stating the Borough is a pass through for the grant. Mr. Mickely responded the Steinwehr Avenue Business Improvement District would be the owner and that Delta Development Group is its coordinator. They also continue to work with C. S. Davidson.

Moved Mr. Weaver, seconded Mr. Streeter to authorize the manager to sign the Pennsylvania Community Transportation Initiative (PCTI) application for the Gettysburg Gateway Improvements Phase II. Motion carried unanimously.

Tom Jolin, Secretary, Healthy Adams Bicycle/Pedestrian Trail gave a brief update and requested Council submits the PCTI application for the Gettysburg Inner Loop Trail. It would be for the engineering and construction work

Mr. Krummerich asked if Council approves the application is there any financial responsibilities. Mr. Jolin responded yes we must meet the requirements per the application. Ms. Estrada asked if this is a reimbursement grant. Mr. Clabaugh responded yes that the Borough would pay and then be reimbursed. Manager Ford pointed out the project managers would follow this closely. Mr. Weaver asked if the Borough could get stuck and be responsible. Manager Ford responded this should flow through ok. Mr. Clabaugh pointed out Penn DOT would follow the project closely and inspect regularly.

Moved Mrs. Naugle, seconded Ms. Estrada to authorize the manager to sign the Pennsylvania Community Transportation Initiative (PCTI) application for the Gettysburg Inner Loop Trail Engineering and Construction. Motion carried unanimously.

Chad Clabaugh, C. S. Davidson gave a brief review on the Steinwehr Avenue Streetscape project. He reported they are in the bidding phase and would need Council approval to proceed.

Moved Ms. Giles, seconded Ms. Estrada to authorize C. S. Davidson to proceed with the Steinwehr Avenue Streetscape project bidding phase. Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Birkner addressed Council regarding Gene Golden's statements he made tonight and said he is entitled to his opinion but he doesn't have the facts correct. The casino is not a Borough issue; it is located in Cumberland Township. Mr. Birkner noted Councilman Weaver had shown him a letter he was going to read at the PGCB casino hearings and did agree with the letter; but this was his own feelings and not as a Council Member. He believes Mr. Golden took this out of context and wasn't completely accurate.

Ms. Estrada asked when the deadline is for the Chapel on Chambersburg Street to appeal its HARB denial. A letter was sent to John Wega by Merry Bush after they were denied by HARB. Ms. Bush reported they have 30 days from the last Council meeting on August 23rd. She noted she met with John Wega, U.S. Christian Commission and Clem Malot of Commonwealth Code to discuss.

With no further business to come before council moved Mr. Streeter, seconded Mr. Birkner to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sara L. Stull

Borough Secretary