Borough Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 28, 2010

Borough Council Meeting Minutes

June 28, 2010

President John Butterfield called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM with the following Councilors present: Ms. Holliday Giles, Mr. Michael Birkner, Mrs. Susan Naugle, Mr. Robert Krummerich, Ms. Alice Estrada, Mrs. Claire Lewis, and Mayor William Troxell. Mr. Theodore Streeter and Mr. Graham Weaver were absent. Staff present included Manager Peter Marshall, Borough Secretary Sara Stull, Solicitor Harold Eastman, Finance Director Ramona Overton and Planner Merry Bush.

Others present included: Craig Witmer, Smith Elliott Kearns & Co.; Chad Claybaugh, C. S. Davidson, Inc.; Darlene Brown, PICPI-ACHA: Judy Pyle, 302 Baltimore Street; Judi McGee, 256 Baltimore Street; Jennifer Phillips, 261Baltimore Street; Kathy Gilbert, owner Gettysburg Day Spa, Chambersburg Street; and Ted McPhearson, 250 Carlisle Street.

Representing the press were Scot Pitzer of the Gettysburg Times and Tim Prudunte representing the Evening Sun.

Mr. Butterfield commended organizers and volunteers of The Gettysburg Festival for the many fine cultural events that took place June 18th through the 27th.

Mr. Butterfield announced an executive session of the Gettysburg Borough Council was conducted immediately following the adjournment of the Borough Council meeting held on June 14, 2010 consistent with Sections 708(a)(1) and 708(a)(4) of the Sunshine Act.

Mr. Butterfield announced the Borough Council will conduct an executive session immediately prior to the adjournment of this meeting consistent with Sections 708(a) (1) and 708(a) (4) of the Sunshine Act for the purposes of discussing matters involving the employment of Borough employees and to consult with its solicitor in connection with matters on which identifiable complaints are expected to be filed.

With no changes to the agenda, it was accepted as published.

With no changes to the June 14th minutes, they were accepted as written.

Special Presentations:

Chad Claybaugh, Project Manager for C. S. Davidson gave a brief update on the status of the Steinwehr Avenue project. He predicts the improvements could begin on the first block after Thanksgiving. They plan to release bids in mid- September and award a contract in October, noting that the project is expected to take 150 days once they begin. Mr. Claybaugh said the work would include new bricking, revamped intersections, street lights and ADA compliant curb cuts.

Craig Witmer, Smith Elliott Kearns & Company presented Council with the audit review and gave a brief overview of the financial statement.

Mr. Butterfield commented the audit is very thorough and commended Ms. Overton and staff for a clean audit.

Citizens in attendance:

Judi McGee addressed council with concerns she and her Baltimore Street neighbors have regarding idling buses, motorcycles, ghost tours and screaming kids. She noted the motorcycle noise didn't reflect on Jennifer Levan or Battlefield Harley but that the problem is the after market products that go on these bikes. Ms. McGee also pointed out the sidewalks haven't been repaired since Columbia Gas completed its work. She is concerned that if someone falls she would be at fault because she is the property owner. Ms. McGee and her neighbors would like council to take action on these issues that have been ongoing for years.

Kathy Gilbert also pointed out with the horse drawn carriage rides, ghost tours and parked buses; it's very difficult and dangerous to pull onto Baltimore Street.

Mr. Butterfield noted he along with Manager Marshall, Chief Dougherty and the Mayor will be meeting to discuss the motor vehicle noise issue next week.

Mrs. Naugle reported she spoke to the Gettysburg Area School District for approval to park tour busses in their parking lot but it wasn't approved.

Ms. Estrada suggested Council review the permit fees and consider increasing them.

Mr. Birkner expressed concern that these residents are taking on the responsibility of dealing with these issues and that Council must review what can be done.

Moved Mr. Krummerich, seconded Mr. Birkner to authorize COLA increase for retired police pensioner Walter Gliem to be paid from the Police Pension fund effective June 1, 2010. Motion carried unanimously.

Moved Mr. Birkner, seconded Mrs. Naugle to approve and authorize the issuance of certificates of appropriateness for items B. (44 Chambersburg Street), C. (154 York Street), and D. (156 York Street) and to deny the issuance of a certificate of appropriateness for item A. (53 Steinwehr Avenue) as set forth in the minutes of the June 16, 2010 meeting of HARB and consistent with the recommendations of HARB set forth therein. Motion carried unanimously.

Solicitor Eastman reported he would advertise the fire marshal ordinance for the next council meeting. He continues to await approval to proceed with the Recreation Intergovernmental Agreement.

Manager Marshall reported the Gettysburg Fire Department requests consideration by the Borough for the donation of a surplus 1995 police car that has been in the Borough impound since 2006. He recommended Council sell the vehicle for $1.00.

Moved Ms. Giles, seconded Ms. Estrada to authorize Manager Marshall sell the surplus 1995 Crown Victoria police vehicle to the fire department for $1 contingent on Solicitor Eastman's review. Motion carried unanimously.

Manager Marshall reported the ordinance needs amended for truck traffic on East Water Street since the signs are already posted.

Moved Ms. Giles, seconded Mr. Krummerich to authorize by Resolution the Borough Manager to execute the Reimbursement and Maintenance Agreement # 089536 for Penn DOT. Motion carried unanimously.

Mrs. Naugle gave a brief overview of the Adams Health Summit held on June 23rd. The speaker was Mark Fenton, a nationally known community health activist and advocate for promoting fitness.

Mrs. Naugle asked what steps the Borough can take regarding requiring contractors to inspect more often to keep projects moving forward. Due to the many complaints with the Chambersburg Street project this is something that needs reviewed.

Manager Marshall responded initially they were to work block by block on Chambersburg Street but Penn DOT approved work for both the contractor and the Gettysburg Municipal Authority so work was taking place in different areas. Although the street remained open it caused problems for the businesses because there was no parking permitted at the meters.

Manager Marshall suggested sending a letter to Penn DOT outlining these concerns. Ms. Estrada agreed compose a letter for Manager Marshall to send.

Mrs. Naugle asked if PennDOT notifies the Borough regarding street permits. Manager Marshall responded they don't need Borough permits because it's a Penn DOT street.

At this time recess was called so that Council could begin its executive session.

Upon reconvening, moved Mr. Giles, seconded Mr. Streeter to create the new position of Planning Director to be responsible for the administration of the Borough's planning functions and its grant management function and to authorize the Borough Manager to advertise the position in the salary range of $48,000 up to $52,000.00. Motion carried unanimously.

With no further business to come before council moved Ms. Giles, seconded Mr. Krummerich to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sara L. Stull

Borough Secretary