Borough Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, January 4, 2010

Special Council Organization Meeting

January 4, 2010

Mayor William Troxell took the chair and gavel and called the organization of Council meeting to order with the following councilors present:

Ms. Holliday Giles, Mr. Theodore Streeter, Mr. Michael Birkner, Mr. John Butterfield, Mrs. Susan Naugle, Mr. Robert Krummerich, Ms. Alice Estrada, Mrs. Claire Lewis and Mr. Graham Weaver. Staff present included Manager John Lawver, Borough Secretary Sara Stull and Solicitor Harold Eastman.

Others present include: John Murphy, 1002 Long Lane: Tim Larson, 127 Heritage Dr., Judie Butterfield, 999 Sunset Avenue: Kathy Gilbert, 39 South Street: Jim Cooke, 1040 Long Lane: John Eline, 240 North Fourth Street: Bob Kornack, 435 Carlisle Street: Robert DeFayette, 100 King Street: Debi Golden, Cumberland Township Supervisor: and Evelyn Weaver, 721 Sunset Avenue.

Representing the press were Scot Pitzer of the Gettysburg Times, Darryl Wheeler, Times Photographer and Erin James of the Evening Sun.

The Mayor will now administer the Oath of Office to the newly elected Councilors: 1st Ward: Ms. Estrada, 2nd Ward: Ms. Lewis, and 3rd Ward: Mr. Weaver.

Mayor Troxell entertained a motion and second to nominate and elect one of the Councilors as President.

Moved Ms. Giles, seconded Mr. Streeter to nominate Mr. Butterfield as Council President. Roll call vote: YEA: Mrs. Naugle, Mr. Streeter, Ms. Giles, Mr. Birkner, Mr. Krummerich, Mrs. Lewis and Mr. Weaver: NAY: Ms. Estrada: Mr. Butterfield abstained. The vote passed 7 Yea, 1 Nay, and 1 abstention.

Mayor Troxell entertained a motion and second to nominate and elect one of the Councilors as Vice President.

Moved Mr. Butterfield, seconded Mr. Streeter to nominate Ms. Giles as Council Vice-President. Roll call vote: YEA: Mrs. Lewis, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Butterfield, Mr. Birkner, Mr. Krummerich, Ms. Estrada, Ms. Lewis and Mr. Weaver: Ms. Giles abstained. The vote passed- 8 Yea and 1 abstention.

At this time the newly elected President Butterfield and Vice President Giles assumed their positions.

President Butterfield announced he is honored to serve as Council President. He said he would be contacting councilors for their input to form committees and would announce the assigned committees at the January 11th Council meeting.

Mr. Butterfield commended Manager Lawver for his many years of service and dedication to the Borough.

Moved Mrs. Naugle, seconded Mr. Birkner to adopt a resolution to: Appoint Peter S. Marshall of Municipal Services of Pennsylvania as Interim Borough Manager and set bond at $100,000, Borough to pay premium: Appoint Sara L. Stull as Borough Secretary and set bond at $100,000. Borough to pay premium: Appoint Ramona K. Overton as Finance Director and Assistant Treasurer and set bond at $100,000, Borough to pay premium: Appoint Joseph F. Dougherty as Chief of Police: Appoint David Sanders as Emergency Management Director: Appoint Harold A. Eastman Jr. as Solicitor and Richard E. Thrasher as Assistant Solicitor: Appoint the firm of Smith, Elliot and Kerns, CPA, as auditors for the Borough: Appoint the firm of C.S. Davidson Inc. as Borough Engineers: Appoint Mayor Troxell as the voting delegate to the PSAB annual conference: Appoint Edward G. Puhl as Chairman of the Vacancy Board: Adopt Robert's Rules of Order (2nd edition, 2005 Collins Reference) for the conduct of meetings: Motion carried unanimously.

Moved Mr. Streeter, seconded Ms. Giles to adopt the 2010 monthly Borough Council Meetings on the following dates at 7:00 PM, prevailing time, in the Municipal Building and authorize the Borough Secretary to advertise same in the Gettysburg Times: Monday January 11th, Monday February 8th, Monday March 8th, Monday April 12th, Monday May 10th, Monday June 14th, Monday July 12th, Monday August 9th, Monday September 13th, Tuesday October 12th, Monday November 8th, and Monday December 13th. Motion carried unanimously.

Moved Ms. Giles, seconded Mr. Weaver to authorize the Civil Service Commission to establish a new hire list for the Gettysburg Borough Police Department for the position and rank of Patrolman. Motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Giles asked Manager Lawver to explain the process of opting back in to the Uniform Construction Code (UCC). Manager Lawver gave a brief explanation pointing out with the service of Commonwealth Code Inspection Services the Borough would be able to properly maintain these inspections. The Code Enforcement Officer would conduct them eliminating the Department of Labor and Industry.

Ms. Estrada noted the Planning Commission approves opting back in to the Uniform Construction Code.

Solicitor Eastman noted this is just approving the notification be sent to the Department of Labor and Industry canceling them. The Borough would need to prepare an ordinance appointing Commonwealth Code Inspection Service.

Manager Lawver recommended Council refer this to the next Public Safety Committee meeting to proceed.

Moved Mr. Streeter, seconded Mr. Weaver to authorize the Borough Solicitor to notify the Chief of the Uniform Construction Code Division of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry of the intention of the Borough of Gettysburg to enact an ordinance for the purpose of the Borough of Gettysburg assuming responsibility to administer and enforce the provisions of the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act and the regulations of the Act promulgated by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry effective on July 12, 2010. Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Butterfield announced the Borough Council of the Borough of Gettysburg would conduct an executive session immediately following the adjournment of this meeting consistent with Section 708(a)(1) of the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act to discuss matters involving the employment of Borough employees.

Moved Ms. Giles, seconded Mr. Streeter to adjourn the meeting at 5:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sara L. Stull
Borough Secretary