Borough Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, December 12, 2011

Borough Council Meeting Minutes

 December 12, 2011

President John Butterfield called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM with the following Councilors present: Ms. Holliday Giles, Mr. Theodore Streeter, Mr. Michael Birkner, Mrs. Susan Naugle, Mr. Robert Krummerich, Ms. Alice Estrada, Mr. Graham Weaver and Mayor William Troxell. Staff present included Manager Florence Ford, Borough Secretary Sara Stull, Solicitor Harold Eastman, Chief Joseph Dougherty, Finance Director Ramona Overton, Planning Director Scott Dellett and Public Works Director Dan Hilliard.

Others present included: Chad Clabaugh, C.S. Davidson Inc.; Chris Kimple, representing Representative Dan Moul; Scot Pitzer representing Senator Dan Moul; Chuck Teague, Gettysburg Police Department Chaplain; Darlene Brown, PICPI; Scott Schneckloth, Scout Master and Eric Shanoltz representing Boy Scout Troop #79; Judie Butterfield, 999 Sunset Avenue; Jacob Schindel, 110 Chambersburg Street; Rebecca Brown, 334 Baltimore Street; Allison Giles, 35 Chambersburg Street; Peter and Tessa Sontheimer, Old Harrisburg Road; Elaine Streeter, 111 East Middle Street and K C Kropp, 90 Zeigler Mill Road.

Representing the press were Mark Walters of the Gettysburg Times, and Tim Prudente representing the Evening Sun

President Butterfield announced an executive session of the Gettysburg Borough Council was conducted immediately following the adjournment of its regular meeting held on November 14, 2011 consistent with Section 708(a)(4) of the Sunshine Act. The Borough Council will conduct an executive session immediately following the adjournment of this meeting consistent with Section 708(a)(1) of the Sunshine Act for the purpose of discussing matters involving the employment and the evaluation of performance of Borough employees.

The agenda was approved as presented.

With no changes to the November 14, 2011 minutes, they were accepted as written.

Special Presentation:

Mayor Troxell presented the outgoing members of Council with a plaque and "key to the Borough". He acknowledged Holly Giles, Ted Streeter and Bob Krummerich for their many accomplishments and years of service to the Borough.

Scot Pitzer, field representative for Senator Alloway presented citations to Holly and Ted for their years of service. He noted the Senator presents citations to members serving over a 10 year term.

Chris Kimple, representing Representative Dan Moul presented proclamations to Holly, Ted and Bob for their years of service.

Scott Schneckloth, Scout Master for Boy Scout Troop #79, St. James Church announced the troop is in attendance to earn their citizenship merit badge.

Mr. Butterfield announced Steinwehr Avenue Phase II kick off meeting was held today. The Phase I project is now complete.

Ms. Giles reported for the College Community Committee noted they discussed how important the Committee is and would like to continue these meetings.

Mr. Birkner noted the Public Works/Safety Committee is scheduled to meet tomorrow and will continue the conversation regarding the Christmas tree downtown.

Mr. Weaver asked what the $1,100 fee regarding the Halloween parade included. Ms. Overton explained all parades are monitored and charged accordingly for police services.

Moved Mr. Birkner, seconded Ms. Giles to approve the 2012 Antique Show dates of May 19th and September 22nd with conditions. Motion carried unanimously.

Moved Mr. Birkner, seconded Mr. Krummerich to enact and ordinance amending and updating Chapter 6 of the Code of Ordinances regulating conduct within the Borough of Gettysburg. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Moved Mr. Birkner, seconded Ms. Lewis to authorize the solicitor to finalize and advertise for enactment an ordinance amending and updating Chapter 21, Part 1 of the Code of Ordinances regulating streets and street excavations in the Borough of Gettysburg. Motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Naugle thanked Solicitor Eastman and Chad Clabaugh, Borough Engineer for all the hard work put in to this ordinance. She pointed out the importance of this ordinance making the utilities responsible for street excavations. Ms. Giles asked if this would force utilities to bury lines underground. Solicitor Eastman responded the utilities are regulated by the PUC and he would need to do further research for specified requirements.

Moved Ms. Naugle, seconded Mr. Birkner to adopt a resolution appointing Mark Weaver to the Gettysburg Borough Zoning Hearing Board for a five-year term commencing on January 1, 2012 and expiring on December 31, 2016. Motion carried unanimously.

Moved Ms. Naugle, seconded Mr. Weaver to adopt a resolution appointing Timothy Good as a member of the Board of the Gettysburg Municipal Authority for a five-year term commencing on January 3, 2012 and expiring on the first Monday in January 2017. Motion carried unanimously

Moved Ms. Naugle, seconded Mr. Weaver to re-appoint Granville (Rad) Schultz to the Borough Planning Commission for a five-year term expiring December 2016. Motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Naugle reported she along with John Butterfield and Scott Dellett attended a luncheon for the South Mountain Partnership. The Borough was awarded a grant in the amount of $11,500 for the Gettysburg Inner Loop Project. Mrs. Naugle also reported they are in discussion regarding submission of a C2P2 Grant for work on the inner loop.

Ms. Naugle announced the grand opening for the North Gettysburg Walking Trail is scheduled for Wednesday, December 14th.

Moved Mr. Krummerich, seconded Mr. Birkner to approve all bills and payrolls for the month as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Moved Mr. Krummerich, seconded Mr. Birkner to approve the distribution of the Eichelberger-Stahle Funds to Borough residents. Motion carried unanimously.

Moved Mr. Krummerich, seconded Ms. Lewis to enact an ordinance amending the Borough of Gettysburg Non-Uniformed Employees Pension Plan and Trust in order to comply with the applicable provisions of the federal Pension Protection Act of 2006 and of the Federal Heroes Earnings Assistance Relief Tax Act. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Moved Mr. Krummerich, seconded Ms. Lewis to adopt the Borough budget for fiscal year 2012 in the amount of $4,364,315.00. A roll call vote was taken. YEA: Mr. Birkner, Ms. Giles, Mr. Krummerich, Ms. Lewis, Ms. Naugle, Mr. Weaver and Mr. Butterfield. NAY: Ms. Estrada and Mr. Streeter. The vote passed 7-2.

Mr. Streeter addressed Council stating he is in opposition of giving $50,000 towards Main Street and therefore cannot vote to approve the budget.

Moved Mr. Krummerich, seconded Ms. Naugle to adopt a resolution of the Borough Council, Gettysburg Borough, Adams County, Pennsylvania authorizing the Borough Finance Director to transfer $49,967.00 from the Operation Reserve Fund to the 2012 General Fund. A roll call vote was taken. YEA: Mr. Birkner, Ms. Giles, Ms. Lewis, Ms. Naugle, Mr. Weaver and Mr. Butterfield. NAY: Ms. Estrada, Mr. Krummerich and Mr. Streeter. The vote passed 6-3.

Mr. Krummerich addressed Council stating he is in opposition of transferring money to balance the budget. He feels the money should remain in the bank to continue building up the reserve account.

Moved Mr. Krummerich, seconded Mr. Birkner to enact an ordinance fixing the tax rate of the Borough of Gettysburg for fiscal year 2012 at 3.5203 mills on each dollar of real estate assessed valuation and at 30 mills on each dollar of occupational assessed valuation. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Moved Ms. Estrada, seconded Mr. Krummerich to approve and authorize the issuance of a certificate of appropriateness for Item A (688-690 South Washington Street; 696-698 South Washington Street; 700-702 South Washington Street) as set forth in the minutes of the November 16, 2011 meeting of HARB consistent with the findings and recommendations of HARB and subject to the conditions as set forth therein. Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Weaver reported Main Street is moving its office to 160 Baltimore Street to open in January. He also reported the Wills House operation will transfer to the National Park Service beginning January 1st.

Moved Mr. Weaver, seconded M. Estrada to approve the USS Gettysburg welcome home resolution. Motion carried unanimously.

Moved Ms. Naugle, seconded Mr. Weaver to set the organization meeting of the Borough Council on Tuesday, January 3, 2012 at 4:00 P.M. and to authorize the advertising and giving of public notice of the organization meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Naugle reported the Rec Park Board held its preliminary meeting recently and continue to move forward with the Master Plan.

Moved Mr. Streeter, seconded Ms. Giles to adjourn the meeting at this time to conduct its executive session. Motion carried unanimously.

With no further business to come before council moved Ms. Giles, seconded Mr. Birkner to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Sara L. Stull

Borough Secretary