Borough Council - Workshop Meeting

Appointing to Fill Council Vacancy
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Special Borough Council Meeting Minutes

 January 6, 2009

President Edwin Peterson called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. Ms. Stull proceeded with a roll call of Council Members present: Ms. Alice Estrada, Mr. Robert Krummerich, Mr. Michael Birkner, Ms. Holliday Giles, Mr. Edwin Peterson, Mr. Theodore Streeter, Mr. John Butterfield, Mrs. Susan Naugle, and Mayor William Troxell. Staff included Manager John Lawver, Borough Secretary Sara Stull and Solicitor Harold Eastman.

Others present included Claire Lewis 42 North Howard Avenue, Dominic Picarelli, 106 North Howard Avenue, Ed Puhl, 231 Springs Avenue, Dane Yount, 35 Chambersburg Street, Roberta and Jim Cooke, 1040 Long Lane, and Ramona Overton 36 E Middle Street.

Representing the press were Scot Pitzer of the Gettysburg Times and Erin James representing the Evening Sun

Mr. Peterson announced the President of Borough Council called the special meeting for the specific purpose of filling a vacancy on the Borough Council and for the purpose of acting upon all other matters of business that may come before the Borough Council.

Moved Mr. Birkner, seconded Mr. Streeter to accept (with regrets) letter of resignation of Caroline Smith as a member of Gettysburg Council representing the Second Ward. (Ms. Smith's letter of resignation states that it was effective December 8, 2008 at 10:00 p.m.)

At this time Council will receive comments from applicants for vacancy on Gettysburg Borough Council representing the Second Ward and opportunity for any questions by members of Borough Council of applicants. Council received letters of interest from Claire Lewis and Dominic Picarelli.

Mrs. Claire Lewis addressed Council of her interest to serve on Borough Council. She has lived in Gettysburg for the past 27 years and has worked with many agencies throughout town. Mrs. Lewis noted she worked for the Gettysburg College for 10 years and also Mount Saint Mary's College as a Counselor.

Mr. Streeter asked Mrs. Lewis where she is currently working. Mrs. Lewis responded her last employment was with Mount St. Mary's College but that she is no longer working but choosing instead to volunteer her services in the community.

Mr. Streeter asked if her hours would be flexible to attend meetings. Mrs. Lewis responded yes.

Mr. Birkner asked what areas in town would she want to become involved with. Mrs. Lewis responded she would have an interest in the college, budgetary process and working with the businesses.

Ms. Estrada asked what projects has she worked with. Mrs. Lewis responded she has worked with the Arts Council, Meals on Wheels, the Soup Kitchen and presently involved with the Project Gettysburg Leon.

With no further questions from Council Solicitor Eastman pointed out the candidates must be a registered elector and lived in the Second Ward for 1 year.

Mrs. Lewis noted she meets these requirements and that she plans to add her name to the ballet for a council seat in 2010.

Mr. Dominic Picarelli also stated he meets these requirements and would run for the council seat in 2010.

Mr. Picarelli addressed Borough Council of his interest to serve on Council and noted he has lived in Gettysburg since 2003. He currently works for a local Engineering firm since 2002 with his primary responsibility as an environmental planner and planning technician. He is involved with the development of ordinances including those related to zoning and subdivision and land development. He also serves as a Sewage Enforcement Officer to several municipalities and is a member of the American Planning Association, the Pennsylvania Planning Association and Pennsylvania Sewage Enforcement Officers.

Mr. Streeter asked what does he see in Gettysburg. Mr. Picarelli responded it's a Historic Town and would like to keep the downtown thriving and also keep the residential areas. It also has two major institutions in town the College and Seminary.


Mr. Peterson asked if he would be flexible to attend meetings since he has a full time job. Mr. Picarelli responded yes he would be flexible to attend all council meetings.

Mr. Birkner asked since he is continuing his education how often are his classes and would this pose any problems. Mr. Picarelli responded he only takes one course per semester at Temple University in Harrisburg and some is done online so this would not conflict with his duties.

Ms. Estrada asked what community or civic organizations he is involved with in this area. Mr. Picarelli responded none in this area.

Moved Mr. Streeter, seconded Mr. Krummerich to appoint Dominic Picarelli as a member of Borough Council representing the Second Ward to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Caroline Smith. YEA: Ms. Estrada, Mr. Krummerich and Mr. Streeter. NAY: Mr. Birkner, Ms. Giles, Mr. Peterson, Mr. Butterfield and Mrs. Naugle. After a roll call votes it was determined it was 3 Yea and 5 Nay votes so the motion failed.

Moved Mrs. Naugle, seconded Mr. Butterfield to adopt a resolution appointing Claire Lewis as a member of Borough Council of the Borough of Gettysburg representing the Second Ward to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Caroline Smith. (Appointee shall hold office until the first Monday in January 2010 following November 2009 municipal election.) YEA: Ms. Estrada, Mr. Birkner, Mr. Krummerich, Ms. Giles, Mr. Peterson, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Butterfield and Mrs. Naugle. After a roll call vote the motion was carried unanimously.

Mrs. Lewis was asked to join fellow Councilors at her seat for the remainder of the meeting.

Mr. Peterson announced changes to the committees, appointing Ms. Estrada as Chair to the College Community and Mr. Streeter as Chair to the Community Development Committee.

Mr. Birkner updated Council on the Sculptor Stanley Watts who is interested in presenting a Lincoln Statue to the Borough. Mr. Watts and his Attorney plan to visit Gettysburg later this month to look at possible locations for the statue. Mr. Birkner pointed out they also want to know if Council would be ready to sign an agreement at that time.

Mr. Peterson noted Eric Uberman, American Civil War Museum, offered his property on Steinwehr Avenue as a possible location for placement of the Lincoln Statue.

Mr. Butterfield noted this was discussed at the recent Community Development Committee meeting which will be in the council books this month.

Mr. Birkner pointed out the committee had recommended Solicitor Eastman review the agreement and give his opinion.

Ms. Estrada suggested the sculptor attend the next Community Development Committee meeting on January 26th for further discussion.

With no further business to come before Council the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sara L. Stull Borough Secretary