Borough Council - Special Meeting

Special Meeting
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Special Borough Council Meeting Minutes

 January 14, 2009

President Edwin Peterson called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM with the following Councilors present: Ms. Holliday Giles, Mr. Theodore Streeter, Mr. Michael Birkner, Mr. John Butterfield, Mrs. Susan Naugle, Mr. Robert Krummerich, Ms. Alice Estrada, Mrs. Claire Lewis and Mayor William Troxell. Staff included Manager John Lawver, Borough Secretary Sara Stull, Solicitor Harold Eastman, Chief Joe Dougherty, Finance Director Ramona Overton and Planner Merry Bush.

Representing the press were Scot Pitzer of the Gettysburg Times and Erin James representing the Evening Sun

Mr. Peterson opened the meeting and stated the workshop session would discuss only topics on the agenda and would close the session at 7:30 PM.


Mrs. Naugle presented everyone with a report and recommendations from the committee and noted the committee was formed last year to review the council committee structure. Mrs. Naugle expressed some concern with the amount of time these committees require of staff and the borough solicitor. The committees don't involve a quorum nor do they make decisions, it is presented to council for approvals.

Mr. Streeter pointed out the ordinance committee is a work in progress, which involves tedious work, reviewing and updating all borough ordinances. The human resource committee generally involves personnel issues that are not for public information.

Mr. Peterson noted the Ad HOC committees would not need to be advertised according to the solicitor.

Ms. Giles stated council should work with borough staff and the committees work together, only voting at the council meetings to keep everything legal according to the "Sunshine Act".

Manager Lawver pointed out according to the law meetings must be advertised if there are 5 or more council members in attendance and also if the public is invited to discuss issues they must be advertised.


Mr. Butterfield presented a capital improvement plan checklist and suggested the

proper committees review; breakdown of technical, equipment and financial.

Ms. Giles asked about regionalization. Mr. Butterfield answered only the Recreation Park with the Peer-to-Peer Grant.

Mr. Peterson suggested considering other areas such as the police department.

Manager Lawver gave a brief update on repairs needed to the borough building. He noted he recently met with an architect and it appears there could be foundation problems. Other issues include ADA regulations, police security, flow of area/offices, windows leak, rotting issues etc. He is awaiting an estimate from the architect and will present information to the public works committee. Manager Lawver pointed out we moved into this building in 1993 and there has never been money budgeted for building repairs.

Ms. Giles asked if council is consensus that the building is top priority. Council agreed this is most important. Mr. Peterson said this should be taken care of now by securing a loan and not waiting for the GMA bond process to begin. Mrs. Naugle suggested looking at "green technology"; maybe there would be grants available with the stimulus package.

Mr. Birkner asked if money from the sale of the train station could be used. Ms. Estrada suggested keeping a ½ million in a reserve but anything over could be used for the building. Mrs. Naugle asked that Mr. Butterfield be appointed as a project manager. Ms. Giles said that Manager Lawver could handle this and forward information to the finance and public works committee for review. It was agreed that the manager would continue with this task.


Ms. Giles asked the goals of the AD HOC committee. Mr. Birkner responded the time line is to hire a recreation park coordinator. Manager Lawver noted he is currently working with Flo Ford, Manager Cumberland Township to devise a job description for this position. It will then be forwarded to the human resources committee for their review. Mrs. Naugle noted this person would be working with the Peer-to-Peer grant.

Ms. Estrada pointed out the Peer-to-Peer grant may take a few years so should council consider seeking other agencies to manage the rec park ball fields. Mr. Birkner suggested the committee take this under review.

Manager Lawver noted the deadline for the Peer-to-Peer grant application is tomorrow and that Flo Ford would be submitting it. After that a Department of Community and Natural Resources (DCNR) person would be assigned.

Mr. Peterson asked that anything concerning recreation should be presented to Mr. Birkner, Chair of the AD HOC Rec committee for review. Mr. Birkner expressed concern with how to keep the continuity this summer in keeping good programs running, Sunday concerts, bus groups etc.


Mr. Peterson pointed out the borough building would be the top priority. Ms. Giles suggested reviewing the checklist and prioritize item.

Ms. Estrada said the borough should be more proactive, noting computers usually crash before replacing them. The borough should continually update the equipment. Mrs. Naugle said council should plan for the future. Mr. Peterson said it's also important to update the current phone system. Ms. Estrada noted she and Mr. Streeter spoke to Representative Dan Moul about funding for a new phone system.

Manager Lawver pointed out the wiring in the building is outdated for the phones, computer server etc. which all ties in with the necessary building repairs. Mr. Peterson stated the borough must have an efficient operating building.

Mrs. Naugle said she would like to see a plan for ADA regulations. Manager Lawver said he is currently working with the Attorneys' on this to meet the March deadline.

Ms. Giles said of the 15 years she has served on council they were always the "policy makers" and left the staff to do their work.

With no further business to come before council moved Ms. Giles, seconded Mr. Butterfield to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 pm.

At this time council will conduct an executive session to discuss a property issue.

Respectfully submitted,

Sara L. Stull

Borough Secretary