HARB Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Historic Architectural Review Board
Meeting Minutes

October 20, 2010

Chairman Gary Shaffer called the Historical Architectural Review Board to order on Wednesday, October 20, 2010 at 7:35 p.m. at the Charles Sterner Recreation Building. Those in attendance were Board members Nancie Gudmestad, Peggy Gustafson, Elwood Christ, Colleen Lingle, Dale Gettel, Code Enforcement Officer; and Merry Bush, Borough Planner and Historic District Administrator. Judi McGee was absent.

Others in attendance were Amy Naill and Stephanie McIlwee, "Olde Getty Place" for 328 S. Washington Street and John Butterfield, Borough Council.

Mr. Shaffer introduced the Board members and explained the procedures that would be followed during the meeting. He noted that the Board serves as an advisory group to Borough Council, which makes final decisions concerning Certificates of Appropriateness.

Review of Agenda and Minutes

The application for 30 Mummasburg Street was withdrawn, otherwise the agenda remained the same.

In the September 15 minutes, Peggy Gustafson asked that the fourth paragraph on page 5 under Old Business, Item A be changed:

" Change the "president's house" in the second line to "president's office"

" In the third line, insert "At Gettysburg College" in front of "she saw numerous……"

" In the fifth line, the first part of the sentence should be changed to read "noticed that where there were masonry sills,"

Nancie Gudmestad a moved to accept the September 15, 2010 minutes as corrected. Peggy Gustafson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Certificates of Appropriateness

New Business

A. Alteration. Window and storm door replacement. 328 S. Washington Street. Randy and Amy Naill, owners.

The building has five townhouse units. The applicant proposes to replace windows and storm doors, add a shed roof over each entry and replace the cement siding where necessary. The fascia board will be repaired in kind and repainted. The building is at least 100 years old. The building is shown on the 1912 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map but not on the 1896 version. There is also a list of residents in a 1903 Gettysburg directory.

Nancie Gudmestad asked about the fascia running across the top of the building-would it be covered or repaired? Amy Naill, the owner, said that they planned to replace the damaged areas with new wood and then repaint. Ms. Gudmestad then asked about the roof. Ms. Naill said that the roof sloped away from the front of the building and was covered with rubber. The roof does not need to be replaced. When asked if the windows are original to the house; the owner replied yes.

Peggy Gustafson thanked the applicant for bringing the project before the Board. Ms. Gustafson asked if they planned to replace the cement siding. Mrs. Naill said that they have plenty of cement siding and would replace broken or missing pieces. After a question from Ms. Gustafson, the applicant explained that the door hoods would be made of wood and built like the one shown on drawing A-1. Mrs. Naill said that the storm doors would have full glass. When asked about the front doors, she said that there are various types of doors and they planned to keep them.

Gary Shaffer brought up the windows. The applicant proposed to replace the windows with two-over-two aluminum-clad wood windows. Mr. Shaffer said that he had walked down

S. Washington Street looking at the windows on nearby properties. He reported that the property just to the south has vinyl windows on the first floor and original windows with storms on the second floor. Mr. Shaffer said that he likes the Windsor window as a replacement window in certain circumstances. He noted that a clad wood window retains the same profile as an all wood window.

Findings of Fact: The structure, which includes five row houses with addresses from 326 to 334, is a contributing structure to the Gettysburg Battlefield National Register Historic District and a sensitive building within the Borough's Historic District, as determined by ordinance. The proposed work is a critical project bringing significant changes to the building. The windows would meet the guidelines of the Secretary of the Interior as long as they replicate the muntin pattern.

Elwood Christ moved to recommend that Borough Council issue a Certificate of Appropriateness for the replacement of the windows with the proposed two-over-two Windsor windows. Nancie Gudmestad seconded the motion. Peggy Gustafson asked if this window could be approved for other buildings where the windows have been shown to be deteriorated. Gary Shaffer replied yes. The motion carried, 6 to 0.

Nancie Gudmestad made a motion that the rest of the application should be approved as submitted. Elwood Christ seconded. A brief discussion followed. The motion passed, 6 to 0.

The applicant was reminded that she would have to return to HARB if she planned to replace the front doors.

Old Business

A. Alteration. New front portico. 233 N Stratton Street. Marianne Larkin, owner

A Certificate of Appropriateness was approved at the September meeting for the replacement of the existing front stoop and installation of a larger concrete porch floor. The material for the porch columns and railings was not available at that meeting.

The addition of the porch roof, columns and railings would finish Phase One of the project. The proposed railing system, Endurance Original Rail, is made of an alternate material and is made by Railing Dynamics.

Gary Shaffer moved to recommend that Borough Council issue a Certificate of Appropriateness for the use of the proposed railing system. Continuing, Mr. Shaffer said that though the preference is for historic wood materials, this is new construction.

Peggy Gustafson agreed. She said she was not a big proponent of alternate materials, but she noted that the house has already been covered with siding. The shutters are vinyl or plastic.

Nancie Gudmestad seconded the motion, which carried 6 to 0.

Gary Shaffer recused himself due to a fiduciary relationship with the following applicant. Elwood Christ, vice chairman, presided over the remainder of the meeting.

B. Alteration. New entrance. 125 S. Washington Street. Adams County Arts Council, applicant. Gary Shaffer will bring information to Board meeting.

Gary Shaffer presented final elevation drawings for the renovation of former H&H Pontiac and Glory Gym building into the Adams County Arts Education Center. A conceptual plan was reviewed by the Board on January 20, 2010. The only significant change is the location of 13 cooling units on the roof. The units cannot be located on the ground as the building takes up the entire site. Mr. Shaffer said that the units would not be visible from the sidewalk directly in front of the building but could be seen from across the street.

Peggy Gustafson asked where you could first see the cooling units. Gary Shaffer said they could be seen if you were walking down the alley behind the courthouse but not if you were walking north or south on S. Washington Street.

There four large windows across the front of the building. Two of the existing windows will be enlarged so they are the same size and design of the two windows on the north end of the front section. The middle window will be enlarged to make the entrance to the building. The project must be completed by August 2011.

Peggy Gustafson moved to recommend to Borough Council that a Certificate of Appropriateness be issued for the Adams County Arts Education Center. Elwood Christ seconded and the motion carried, 5 to 0, with one abstention.

Peggy Gustafson shared several resource materials that she found at the Adams County Library.

There was no old or new business before the Board. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Merry V. Bush,

Planner and Historic District Administrator